'Tuned In' to Crime and Prepare You For the Holidays:
1.Be Aware-Always pay attention who's in front-back of you and any 'out of the
ordinary' behavior or body language.
2.Be Informed-Where are high crime areas near where you'll be? Try to avoid
these areas if possible, if you can't then:
3.Be prepared-Crooks will be attracted to high volume shopping areas. Just in
case, at the very least, you should carry a 'screech alarm' AND HAVE IT ON
YOU AT ALL TIMES! It does no good in the glove-box!
4.'Buddy-up' Crooks generally choose the easiest target; 1 is easier than 2!
5.To be aware, you have to look up, right? Don't act like like an easy target by
looking at the ground, make eye contact to any one around you. Try to act
confident but remember, keep that screech alarm handy AT ALL TIMES!
We wish everyone a safe, enjoyable holiday and please don't hesitate to
report any crimes or suspicious activities; switch places (in your mind)
for a moment, it should change any thoughts of 'non involvement'.
Eye Spy Security Supplies...
You can't price "Peace of Mind"
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