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Information From
Eye Spy
Security Supplies
Did you Know?
Your Credit Card is at RISK!
Millions of new credit cards and passports contain tiny two way
radios called RFID chips. This makes it easy for thieves to employ
electronic pickpocketing and scan your credit card numbers and
other info without even touching you!
That's Right! All these thieves have to do is pass within
six inches of your wallet or pocket book and they can scan
that you may have on you ,
The RFID chip in a credit card emits the account number,
expiration data and other information. About 100 million
credit cards now have this contactless technology embed-
ded into them. However, over the next 2-3 years, it is
expected that credit card issuers will replace every single
magnetic stripe credit and debit card with a new contactless
smartcard. Why shouldn't they? These cards seem to make
it all easier. So much easier that some folks are reading your
credit cards before you even take them out of your wallet.
The RFID chip in a credit card emits the account number,
expiration data and other information. Just like a submarine
uses sonar to seek out a ship it's trying to sink, the criminals
send a radio signal or "ping" from a standard checkout
contactless card reader purchased online for under $100. The
victim's credit cards' antennae automatically answer the call
by providing their card information. The criminal then uses this
card information to make purchases, thereby "sinking the card."
What can I do to protect myself?
Protect Your Information!
Secure Sleeve® and Secure Badgeholder® products create an
RFID shield by blocking the electromagnetic energy necessary
to power and communicate with contactless smart cards, pass-
ports, enhanced drivers licenses (EDLs), TWIC, PIV, CAC and
transit cards. This is essential to total security because although
most contactless smart card systems implement industry
standard security mechanisms, readers can be modified to
access information without authorization. Credit card readers can
be easily purchased that will read the credit account number,
expiration date, and even name off your new RFID enabled credit
card. These readers can easily be concealed by electronic pick-
pocketers so that someone could walk through a crowd, ride on
a subway, elevator, or other crowded area and steal nearby credit
card information without the card holder ever knowing it
Eye Spy Security Supplies proudly offers the Credit Card RFID
Blocking Sleeve, a simple electronic blocking device that when
you insert your credit card, driver license etc. into it...
E.S.S.S. Item #CCEBS - ONLY $19.95 + $4.75 S&H
You can view or purchase this item on E-bay:
esss_007_spy #300506769108 TODAY!
Written by:
Norman Edward Potter
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